My African Adventure Part Seven: Days 11-12 Durban

We left St Lucia and headed to last stop on our trip-the city of Durban. It’s always sad knowing a trip is coming to an end but we headed to our last stop feeling really good about all the stuff we had seen along the trip. Ranger Bob described the trip so well. Highest Highs and Lowest Lows of any vacation to date. It was the perfect way to describe it. Highest Highs – Swaziland Sunrise and St Lucia Turtle Tour. Lowest Lows – Camping in a Cyclone and Traveling on the Lost Plane.

We arrived in Durban to the very cute Happy Hippo Hostel. It had a brightly colored common area and a roof deck bar. I think mostly we were happy to remove our stuff from the “truck” knowing we never had to get back on it. We hit up the aquarium in the city and strolled the beach a bit. We then headed up the roof deck for an authentic curry dinner. It was essentially curry in the hollowed out center of a quarter loaf of unsliced Wonder bread. But it was a nice change from the camping food. Some local dancers came to entertain us and we had a few beers as we said goodbye to the rest of the tour.

It was am amazing adventure and I’m so glad Kerry and Jaime do not research vacations because if they had we might not have wound up on this trip……and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. We laughed non stop for two weeks and I found two new travel buddies who are up for adventure and traveling the world….with upgrades of course.

For a link to more pictures from the trip, check out the link to the photo gallery

1 comment to My African Adventure Part Seven: Days 11-12 Durban

  • mary mccarthy

    Thanks so much Laini for a VERY entertaining read and absolutely amazing pictures!!! I often wondered if you actually got to see a lot of animals on these tours–my only safari experience being at Disney…Glad to see you certainly do!! What an adventure–and the line about the guide–”he’s got the malaria” will stay with me for some time…..

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